Keith Flower & Co Ltd Solicitors (Est. 1976)

62 Pinner Green, Pinner HA5 2AB

Tel: 0208 868 1277 Fax: 01594 480 077

DX: 35610 Pinner

Setting your Home with your Partner and  Legal Protection for Unmarried Couples

Moving in with your partner or buying a house together can seem like an exciting prospect. But few couples realise how risky their situation can be from a legal point of view. It may seem outdated, but unmarried couples are not protected by law in the same way that married couples or civil partners are. Common law marriage does not exist. Sadly, by the time people realise this, it is often too late - the relationship breaks down or a partner dies and it is only then they realise they do not have any legal protection.

set out below are some of the things you need to consider if you are not married or are not in a civil partnership.

It is well worth taking legal advice from Keith Flower & Company as soon as you plan to live together to find out:

What Keith Flower & Company will need to know

We will need a thorough briefing on your circumstances. We are likely to ask you for a variety of information including:

Keith Flower & Company will then explain your rights and obligations. We will highlight the circumstances where you or your share of the home could be at risk and will tell you what action to consider taking to avoid this. Remember that Keith Flower & Company can only act for one partner at a time. We cannot act for both of you even if you both want this.

Things to consider

Here are some of the main areas of law that Keith Flower & Company will cover with you.

Home ownership

If you move in with someone and the house is only in their name, usually you have no right to the proceeds from selling the house. This applies unless you can prove:

If the house is not in your name you may have no right to continue to live there if your partner asks you to leave. Also, if the house is not in both your names, you have no right to inherit the house if your partner dies unless they have put this in their will. If they do not leave a will, you may need to make a claim against your partner's estate through the court. You will only be able to do this if you have been living together for two years or more, or you were being supported financially by your partner.

Your solicitor might recommend that the house is transferred from your partner's name into your joint names, either as 'joint tenants' or 'tenants in common'. If you own as joint tenants with your partner, you are usually entitled to one half of the net proceeds if you sell the property. And if one of you dies, the other automatically inherits the property, regardless of what is set out in your wills.

However, if you own as tenants in common, you have a right to your own share of the property but no more. By owning as tenants in common you can formally agree exactly what share of the property you each own by instructing Keith Flower & Company to draw up a 'declaration of trust'. This can prevent disagreements arising later on. If either of you wants to leave your share of the property to the other when you die, this needs to be set out in a will.

Renting together

If you are renting together, it is a good idea to have the tenancy agreement in both your names.


If you have children with your partner, you need to think about what the child's surname will be and how to register their birth. It is up to you and your partner what surname you choose for your child, and you can register the child's birth jointly.

If you and your partner are not married, the mother of the child has automatic parental responsibility for the child. From 1 December 2003,  if the father is jointly registered on the birth certificate, he also has parental responsibility for the child. Otherwise, Keith Flower & Company  can help you by preparing a written agreement to share parental responsibility with your partner. This could be important later if you and your partner split up.

If you live with someone who has a child from another relationship, the law gives you no parental responsibility at all. Keith Flower & Company can explain what this means to you.

Children and separation

If you and your partner seperate and you have children together you can apply to the Child Support Agency for child support payments and to a court for various other types of financial help relating to your child. This is something you should discuss with Keith Flower & Company as soon as possible if you have or might separate from your partner.

Next-of-kin status

If your partner is ill or dies, you may not be considered as their 'next-of-kin' for medical purposes unless you and your partner make a written agreement beforehand. Keith Flower & Company can help you with this agreement.


If you and your partner have separate bank accounts, you cannot have access to money in your partner's account. If your partner dies, the money in their account will become part of their estate. This means that you will not automatically inherit the money unless this is what it says in their will.

Tax status

You and your partner will not have the same tax benefits as married couples or civil partners, especially relating to capital gains tax and inheritance tax. Unlike married couples and civil partners, you may have to pay tax if you want to give major assets to your partner.

Pension schemes

If you die, your State Pension is not automatically passed on to your partner. Different rules apply to company and private pensions, and it is best to look at these carefully with Keith Flower & Company to see exactly what level of pension you and your partner have.

Making a will

A will is a useful way of setting out what property and assets belong to you as opposed to your partner. Unless you make a will, your partner will have no automatic right to a share of your assets if you die, so it is essential to have one if you want your partner or their children to inherit.

Cohabitation contracts

These are slowly gaining recognition as a way of securing a couple's financial and other arrangements. They set out, in advance, what each member of the relationship expects of the other, both during the relationship and if they separate or one of them dies. They are 'honourable agreements', which means that not all clauses may be enforced by the courts. But they do limit disagreements and certainly provide some peace of mind.

You and your partner should both take separate legal advice before signing such an agreement.


Sadly, most couples don't take legal advice until the relationship fails, a partner dies or there is some other crisis. It is rarely as easy to solve a problem at this stage, but Keith Flower & Company has the knowledge and experience to protect your interests. Whether it's a simple case of checking your rights, or a complicated matter regarding the children, Keith Flower & Company will find the best solution for you within the law.